Thursday, April 06, 2006

Who's realy here illegaly ?

Id like to get into an issue regarding immagration. If youve been under a rock there have been current protest happening around the world regarding the issue of immigration, congress threatening to pass a bill that would make it a felony to be here illegally in the United States, and impose penalties on employers who hire illegal immagrants. This threat angered the hispanic comunity, wich in my opinion would gave them a very good reason to be angry. I mean who the hell is this government to say who is, and who isnt in this country illegaly, afterall isnt this country stolen, didnt it still people from a country to build this country's economy. This country represents everything that is illegal, and whats wrong with the world, satisfieing its capitolist greed at the expense of others. I think theres a few things this government, and the people who support the passing of this bill need to take into consideration.

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